Traditional analysis methods are full wave analysis methods , such as method of moment , finite element method 分析该结构的传统方法是矩量法、有限元法等全波分析方法。
At last , seismic stability of the dam in erlongshan reservior is analyzed with traditional analysis method 接下来文章用传统地震稳定性分析方法对二龙山水库土坝进行了地震稳定性分析。
According to the traditional analysis method , this paper lays particular emphasis on the following issues 按照提出问题?分析问题?解决问题的传统思路,本文侧重于对以下问题进行分析和探讨。
Facing the uncertainty risk of investment project , traditional analysis methods of risk are of some limitation 针对投资项目的不确定性风险,传统的风险度量法在风险的多维性方面存在着一定的局限性。
The complexity and uncertainty of weapon systems operational effectiveness evaluation make traditional analysis methods or expert evaluation methods less effective to solve problems . simulation based operational effectiveness evaluation is an efficient solution 武器系统作战效能评估具有的复杂性和不确定性特点,使得仅仅依靠传统的解析方法或专家评估方法,已经很难有效解决,基于仿真的作战效能评估是解决这一问题的有效方法。
Finally with the software adams , the chassis model with new suspension was built to perform dynamic simulation to forecast the performance . and the simulation result shows that the project of suspension is acceptable . in this paper traditional analysis method and advanced technology were both used to solve the task 本论文将传统运动分析方法、计算机三维造型技术和先进的虚拟样机技术结合使用,发挥各自所长:传统分析方法用于方案的初步分析和部件的结构设计,计算机三维造型技术和虚拟样机技术用于建立虚拟样机模型进行仿真分析。
( 2 ) because of t he variability of rock subjected to outside action , three new conceptions : postive damage basic damage and negative damage , are suggested , which can deal with the condition that rock density became large . ( 3 ) the present damage variables based on ct number mostly include ct average number of the rock without damage , which is difficult to measure , so a new damage variable , which includes the average ct number is proposed , on the other hand , strain equal theory is generalized because the one put foreword by lemaitre is not good enough to use . ( 4 ) a axial damage constitutive equation is proposed and testified . ( 5 ) with the circle times , the damage propagation laws of two different rocks , subjected to circle of freezing and thawing , are studied , and in the analysis process , traditional analysis method including average ct number and is used , some important conclusions are reached : inner damage of soft rock containing a large mount of apertures is largely propagating with the time increasement of circle , however , at the preliminary time , the hard rock containing a small mount of aperture is a little propagating , at late time , the influence become large ; ( 6 ) zone separation and statistics frequency put forward is used to analysized the three different damage propagation in the open circumstance , when they are subjected to the different circle times of freezing and thawing , in which the temperature variability is linear , different freezing rate , and different freezing temperature , and no water is supplied during the test 在研究过程中本文主要做了以下工作: ( 1 )针对岩石损伤变化较小时,运用ct均值和方差分析不方便的缺陷,本文提出运用对ct数范围划分区段的方法,根据各区段统计频率的变化规律来分析损伤扩展状况; ( 2 )针对岩石受到外部作用的多变性,本文提出了基准损伤,正损伤,负损伤的概念,在某种程度上考虑了岩石受到外部作用时的压密情况; ( 3 )现有的基于ct数的损伤变量大多需要用到岩石基体的ct均值,这实际上是很难观测到的,因此本文建议了一个可运用岩石初始状态ct均值的损伤变量,由于现有的勒迈特教授应变等价原理使用上的不便,本文在其基础上进行了推广; ( 4 )建议了一个可用岩石初始状态ct数和弹性模量的单轴损伤本构方程,并用算例进行了验证; ( 5 )对两种不同岩石在开放环境下受到冻融循环作用且融化过程中补水时,内部损伤随冻融循环次数增加的扩展规律进行了探讨,主要运用了常规的ct均值和ct方差的分析方法进行分析,试验发现:对于孔隙率和含水率较高,密度和强度较低的软弱岩石,冻融循环次数对损伤结构的扩展有明显的影响,而对于孔隙率和含水率较低,密度和强度较高的硬岩,冻融循环次数对其损伤结构扩展初期由于含水率低的原因,影响不是太大,而后期由于水补给后,含水率较高的原因,冻融影响逐渐增大; ( 6 )运用了本文提出的区段划分和统计频率的方法,深入地分析了开放环境下的线性温度变化的冻融循环次数,冻结温度,冻结速度不同岩石作用时,其内部损伤随冻融循环次数,冻结速度和冻结温度变化的扩展规律,需要指出的是除了在试验前饱水外,冻融过程中没有补水。
In chapter five , we first introduce the channel preferences about the propagation in an urban environment . then expand the past traditional analysis method about it . at last , we study the method of how to analysis it based on the results of the ray - tracing , and analysis a urban cell model 本文第五章,首先讨论了传播信道中重要信道参数的选取,阐述了传统分析方法,对基于射线跟踪结果的信道参数分析方法进行了研究,并对一个城市小区模型进行了具体的信道参数分析。